A Path that Brought Life to My Passion for Science
School of Applied Science

Chua Yong Le Eugene

Diploma in Medicinal Chemistry (renamed as Applied Chemistry), Year 3

Science fascinates me. When I was young, I would read encyclopaedias on topics covering Zoology, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. That's why I chose NYP's Diploma in Medicinal Chemistry.

I'm an avid Reddit user and many of the threads stated that the lecturers in this diploma course were good. I have to admit getting into this course isn't easy. I applied for medicinal chemistry under the Early Admissions Exercise (EAE) but I didn’t make it.

The failure didn't discourage me, it only made me more determined, and I applied for it again after my O-Level results were out – through the Joint Admissions Exercise. With my O Levels score of 11 points, I got in.

Reddit is right! My lecturers have been great, and they constantly encourage us to be independent learners. For example, Dr Subramaniam Gurusamy taught me subjects like Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopic Techniques in Year One and Two. He used visual aids and explained his topics clearly in a relatable manner.

In my third year, I was given the chance to train for WorldSkills Singapore in the skill of Chemical Laboratory Technology, and took home a bronze medal. Through this, I've learnt many technical and life skills, all of which are very important when I enter the workforce.

The diploma has been renamed to Diploma in Applied Chemistry to reflect the broad-based curriculum in chemistry that is offered. While the Diploma in Medicinal Chemistry focused on pharmaceuticals, the renamed Applied Chemistry course encompasses the analysis of biopharmaceuticals, which is a rapidly growing market in the industry.

I also joined the Current Affairs and Debating Club. Since then, besides debating and honing up my presentation skills, I've taken on the role as club President and organised the 2019 Inter-School Debates. No mean feat for someone who was introverted until he joined NYP, eh?

To my juniors, my advice is: don’t be afraid to participate fully in class and ask questions, as that’s how you can learn best. Also, learn how to move out of your comfort zone and appreciate that it is perfectly OK to feel uncomfortable at times.
