All About Day One

Getting Around NYP 

For a freshie, the NYP campus may seem a bit daunting, but as the days go by, you'll see that it's pretty easy to navigate from Block F (that's all the way at the sports facilities) to Block P1 (where Foodgle's at). Don't worry, everyone here is pleasant: Just ask if you think you're lost.

Campus Map

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Tips on Getting Around NYP


1) Look Up! 

There are plenty of signages around the campus that shows you the way to each school.

2) Read the Venue Codes / Prefixes

The first letter stands for the block the venue is located in.
The number following the letter will be the level the venue is on. e.g. L.534 refers to Blk L, Level 5, Room 534

Commonly used prefixes are:
- TR : Tutorial Room
- LT : Lecture Theatre

3) Ask around

If all else fails, ask around. The NYP community is pretty chill and friendly: don't paiseh!

Student Walking