Combating Drug Abuse with Paranoia
School of Design & Media Published on 01 Jun 2018

Can Paranoia help to raise anti-drug awareness? In SIDM's case, yes it can. Four SIDM students created a Virtual Reality (VR) Simulation - called Paranoia - utilising VR technology via the HTC Vive Headset for the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB). The simulation follows the story of a boy who started using drugs for the first time. Users will experience the giddiness of using crystal meth and hallucinations arising from the drug abuse. Using various audio and environmental interactions, the simulation creates a more realistic experience.

The students presented their project to Home Affairs Minister Mr K Shanmugam and Parliamentary Secretary for Home Affairs Mr Amrin Amin at the CNB Workplan Seminar last week. The VR Simulation is a new area of partnership between SIDM and CNB. For the past three years, SIDM has helped to create mobile games for CNB to educate youth on the dangers of drug abuse. This time, the school chose to explore new technology for outreach to the younger crowd.