Visual and Creative Skills for Digital Marketing for Online Store (Alibaba Entrepreneur Startup Program 2/3)
About this course
Course objectives
This programme will be conducted in English.SIRS in partnership with Alibaba Business School, the official training arm of Alibaba Group, offers comprehensive and systematic training programmes to meet a full spectrum of learning needs of government groups, entrepreneurs, SMEs, startups, e-commerce practitioners and students.The Entrepreneur Startup programme is designed for enterprising business start-ups and individuals seeking to launch an online store as an individual or enterprise. Through this course, participants will learn how to efficiently set up, manage and operate an online store on Lazada platform and understand China & South East Asia’s opportunities that businesses can explore. Mastering the ecommerce modus operandi and techniques with key big data analytics and benchmark.Upon completion of the programme, participants will receive a certificate jointly awarded by Alibaba Business School and Singapore Institute of Retail Studies.这课程将由淘宝大学认证讲师以英文授课!阿里巴巴商学院和新加坡南洋理工学院旗下零售管理学院合作,为新加坡企业带来一系列攸关电子商务实际操作与技能栽培课程,协助企业拓展核心能力并成功运用电子商务拓展营销与业务。随着互联网及电商的高速发展,电商专业人才短缺已成为行业核心痛点问题。电商创业班着重于培养电商理念、网上开店实操技能为主。力争使学员能够全面掌握开店所需知的跨境物流、跨境支付、店铺基础运营、免费推广、图片获取、页面制作、平台规则、客户工具、交易流程、售前服务等内容。 更加了解中国及东南亚家电商发展的情况及趋势。 掌握通用电商运营关键数据指标和运营技能。完成课程后的学员将获得由阿里巴巴商学院和新加坡零售管理学院所颁发的毕业证书。Who Should AttendThis programme is suitable for Digital Professionals, Online Business Owners, E-Commerce Managers, and Digital Marketers.培训对象互联网商业平台开店的企业,个人,有意通过电商平台买向中国市场, 推广业务的品牌商等。
Course description
OutlineInsights to E-Commerce DevelopmentUnderstand the development of e-commerce in China and Southeast AsiaUnderstand the global e-commerce trends and competitive advantagesThe entrepreneur role of e-commerce explainedAlibaba platform policies explained: Company Store & Personal StoreE-Commerce EntrepreneurshipHow to create your account, setting up your store and understand the policiesUnderstanding using Big Data Analytics for e-commerceDigital commerce glossary explainedRunning an Online StoreHow to do a basic setup for your e-storeHow to create a product category setupHow to place product listingCreating an Attractive Store Design with One-click Visual ImpactStore front page appreciationSourcing for high quality images / picturesLearn to optimise your store front pageLearn to optimise product pageOnline Store Campaign and PromotionUnderstand paid and free trafficContent marketing introduction (micro video, social media, text and pictures, live broadcast, etc)Online Store Operation Techniques to Improve Store Ranking and Increase Sales ConversionUnderstand management console with real time big dataHow to prepare for pre-salesOptimising customer service during sales processHow to provide post-sales serviceHow to handle packaging and logistics课程内容电商发展概论了解中国及东南亚的电商发展现状了解海外电商发展趋势及优势电商创业角色解析阿里平台解析:公司店铺与个人店铺电商创业解读及淘宝创业账户注册问答、创建店铺、了解规则数据化工具认知数据化名词解释网店运营店铺基础设置店铺分类设置发布宝贝技巧店铺装修与视觉页面认知图片获取首页优化详情页优化网店推广付费流量与免费流量认知内容营销介绍,如短视频、 微淘、图文、直播等网店客服千牛工具认知售前准备售中接待售后服务包装及物流Duration6 days (48 hours)课程时间6天 (48小时)