Inspired by a lecturer
School of Design & Media

Evelyn Eng

Graduate, School of Design & Media (Diploma in Spatial Design)


I never considered taking a design course. It just didn’t register on my radar – I mean, I was from the Science stream in secondary school.

But that all changed after I heard an engaging talk about the Diploma in Spatial Design by Mr Larry Seow, a design lecturer. I was sold. I loved that the diploma offered a wider scope of design, bringing together different elements of the environment and architecture.

So, choice of diploma done. All I had to do was make sure I nailed the interview. I put together a portfolio of doodles I’ve done and gave an impassioned speech to the panel about why I chose this course. And yay, I won them over.

I told Mr Larry about it and he was ever so supportive and encouraging. He said that he was really happy to hear that I got in. This is what’s great about the NYP lecturers: They are so generous with their knowledge, always sharing their experiences and feeding our curiosity about things.

Thanks to awesome lecturers like him and my group of friends, I had the best time at NYP. The fantastic environment here motivated me to excel; I graduated NYP with a perfect GPA of 4.0, something that’s not very common for a design student.

My next challenge? I’ve been accepted into architecture at university.


