Diploma in Sport & Wellness Management (C81)

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A winning start to sport and wellness management

Minimum entry requirements

7 to 14 points
5 to 7 points

Minimum entry requirements

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For O Levels


7 to 14 points


Admission to this course is based on merit, subject to the availability of vacancies. The net ELR2B2 aggregate scores of students admitted through the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) are provided as a general reference.

Minimum entry requirements / Grades

  • English Language : 6
  • Additional Mathematics/Mathematics : 6
  • Any one of the following subjects: 6
    • Art / Higher Art
    • Business Studies
    • Combined Humanities
    • Economics
    • Geography
    • History
    • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English / Chinese / Malay / Tamil)
    • Humanities (Social Studies, History / Geography)
    • Introduction to Enterprise Development
    • Literature in English / Chinese / Malay / Tamil
    • Media Studies (English / Chinese)
    • Music / Higher Music
    • Principles of Accounts

For N levels


5 to 7 points

Admission to this course is based on merit, subject to the availability of vacancies. The net ELMAB3 aggregate scores of students admitted through the Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) Admissions Exercise are provided as a general reference.

Minimum entry requirements / Grades

  • English Language Syllabus A : 2
  • Mathematics Syllabus A / Additional Mathematics : 3
  • Any one of the following subjects: 3
    • Art
    • Geography
    • History
    • Humanities (Social Studies, Geography)
    • Humanities (Social Studies, History)
    • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English)
    • Literature in English
    • Principles of Accounts
  • Any two other subjects (excluding CCA): 4

Build a solid foundation in business fundamentals. Kick off a high-performance career in sport, fitness, or wellness.

You will become professionals who are:

Passionate. Agile. Entrepreneurial.
     What you’ll learn
  • Combine theory with hands-on experience, applied training, and internships. Learn to manage a sport and/or wellness business, and hit the ground running upon graduation.


    At the end of this diploma course, you’ll gain the following course competencies:


    By the end of this diploma course, you’ll gain the following course competencies:

    • Business Communication & Innovation
    • Business Operations & Resource Management
    • Business Intelligence & Data Science
    • Sport Business Management
    • Sports Performance & Exercise Science
    • Health & Wellness Management
  • The NYP-PCM for the Diploma in Sport & Wellness Management consists of:

    • 20 Competency Units (CmUs)
      Within each Competency Unit, the skills and knowledge of different disciplines are integrated and taught holistically. This enables learners to fulfil specific work tasks upon completion.
    • 6 Course Competencies
      Each Course Competency consists of a collection of Competency Units that develops specific learning outcomes and competencies.
    • 2 Competency Canvases
      Each Competency Canvas consists of a collection of Competency Units and a Work-Integration Unit (WIU), which is a workplace-contextualised project. Competency Canvases help learners develop and demonstrate their abilities to perform work tasks at a higher proficiency.
    • 1 Teaching Enterprise Project
    • 1 Internship Programme
    • 11 General Studies Modules
      These modules allow you to explore other areas of interest beyond your chosen area of specialisation.

Course Curriculum

This course adopts the new Professional Competency Model

  • You will take a total of 3 elective GSMs in Year 1. You will have a wide range of elective GSMs to choose from. Please note that the modules offered are subject to change each semester.

    Elective General Studies Modules

    Each elective module consists of 10 hours of class time and 5 hours of eLearning/self-directed learning.

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    School of Applied Science

    Science behind Skin Care (ASX111)


    Taking care of our skin is important, but which is the right routine for our individual skin type? Do expensive skin care products do a better job than cheaper ones? Learn more about what goes into a skin care product, the chemistry behind a good skincare product, as well as the myths and facts behind skin care.

    Understanding Our Environment (ASX112)


    Industrialisation and a rapidly growing population are putting a lot of stress on our planet, including global warming, ocean acidification, water shortage, biodiversity loss and desertification. This module will cover important environmental issues and how human activities affect them.

    School of Design and Media

    Digital Photography (DXX111)


    Have you always wished to take the kind of breathtaking, Instagram-worthy photos you see in your social media feeds? You will learn how to do so in this module. We will teach you how to use composition, natural lighting, colours and angles to take the perfect snap every time.

    Art & Mindfulness (DXX112)


    You are chill with your unique talent in expressing art and emotions through different mediums and techniques. This module focuses on non-striving and non-judging, i.e., mindfulness practices that engage learners now and reduces stress in an intuitive non-outcome-based session. The fun thing is that there is no wrong way to do it; show up and allow yourself to be curious about your environment. This module provides experiential learning knowledge through proven demonstrations and thoughtful guidance in sketching your world.

    The Story of Animation (DXX113)


    Don’t miss this module if you love animated movies. You will discover some of the most important work done in this industry and learn about different animation media, techniques and trends.

    Urban Sketching (DXX114)


    Are you curious about the amazing buildings, hidden gems, and fascinating people in our city? This module will take you on an exciting adventure to explore and capture the urban environment visually for the next generation! In this interactive module, explore the expression of ideas on paper through drawing and storytelling by discovering different places of interest. Get ready to go outside the classroom and explore the built environment with a journal, a keen eye, a fast hand, sunscreen, and a hat. Here's to capturing snapshots of these urban adventures together and the creation of a visual diary that tells our story!

    Navigating Design Sustainability (DXX115)


    Do you wish to know how shoes or trainers are made from ocean plastic, or how products can be made from used coffee ground? Dive into “Navigating Design Sustainability”, an exciting module offered by The School of Design and Media. This module introduces you how to combine aesthetics and function with eco-friendliness, changing how you think about making things from the start. Learn about circular design principles and how to create designs that look great and are beneficial for our planet. This module is perfect for beginners or anyone who wants to learn more on how to positively impact the world through design.

    School of Engineering

    Introduction to Quadcoptors (EGX111)


    A quadcopter is a multi-rotor aerial vehicle used in aerial photography and videography, inspections, surveillance, entertainment and car-racing sports. Quadcopters have gained popularity because they are affordable and easy to control. In this module, you will learn to assemble a quadcopter, calibrate the flight controller and fly it.

    3D Print Your Design (EGX112)


    3D printing is changing the way products are manufactured today. In this module, you will learn about the endless possibilities of this technology, and learn how to bring your creative ideas to life.

    Harvesting Green Energy (EGX113)


    Play a part in preserving our planet for the sake of our future generations. The world is increasingly looking to environmentally friendly and sustainable energy sources to meet future energy demands. Green energy sources, such as solar and wind energy, can be used to meet the world’s (and Singapore’s) growing energy needs, while ensuring environmental sustainability. Through this module, you will be able to better understand how green energy helps to reduce our carbon footprints.

    Appreciation of Smart Technology in Daily Life (EGX114)


    Singapore is constantly being referred to as a smart nation where smart technologies are applied, but what exactly does that mean? In this module, you will learn about the key technology enablers and business opportunities involved in employing technology on a large scale, as well as the social benefits created by our smart nation.

    School of Health and Social Sciences

    Basic Sign Language (HSX111)


    Sign languages are one of the most important and accessible means of communication for the vast majority of deaf and people who are hard-of-hearing. This module will enable learners to communicate and participate in simple conversations with the deaf communities. In addition, you will be introduced to the history of sign language, its traditions and cultures, and will have a better understanding on how to integrate with individuals with hearing loss. You will also develop an awareness of and sensitivity to the deaf culture and learn to accommodate diversity and contribute to universal inclusion.

    Sustainable Health & Social Care in Singapore (HSX112)


    Sustainability is not a destination but a journey. Since independence, sustainable development has been integral to Singapore’s nation-building where policies have been designed with long-term sustainability in mind. Learners are provided an overview of Singapore’s approach and commitment to this, with particular focus on health and social care. Gain insights to these practices and be challenged to come up with ways on how you can support and/or contribute whilst improving health and social care services.

    School of Information Technology

    Computational Thinking for Everyday Life (ITX111)


    In an increasingly complex world, having the ability to tackle tough problems is a valuable asset to have in any situation. Using a computational thinking framework, this module teaches you problem-solving skills and techniques that will help you tackle complex problems in both work and life.

    The Importance of Cyber Security (ITX112)


    With the boom in digital data, companies and individuals are finding it challenging to make their data secure. Learn more about cybersecurity and how everyone can play a part in avoiding or reducing the risks against cyber threats.

    Create Professional Business Documentations (ITX113)


    Have a great business idea, but not sure how to put together a winning proposal to impress others? This module will teach you tips and tricks to enhance your word processing skills using Microsoft Word to create impressive, professional-looking documents.

    Digital Technologies for Sustainability (ITX114)


    Discover how digital technologies can tackle sustainability challenges and help achieve sustainability goals in our fast-paced world. This module uses real-world case studies spanning sectors like renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and waste management to witness digital solutions in action. You will gain valuable insights into the environmental and social impacts of these technologies, and pinpoint digital technologies for promoting sustainability.

    Centre for Foundation & General Studies

    Bounce Back! The ABCs of Resilience (FGX111)


    Facing difficulties in life is inevitable. Many people react to these challenging events with strong emotions and a sense of uncertainty. Yet, some people bounce back from such adversities.


    Discover how you can take control and bounce back when faced with adversity!

    Healthy Relationships, Enriched Lives (FGX112)


    Healthy relationships can build us up, while toxic relationships can tear us down. Learn the steps to building supportive relationships with people around you, as you pick up skills to better engage and communicate with others.

    Emotional Intelligence (FGX113)


    Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and control your emotions. People with high emotional intelligence don’t let their emotions affect their judgment or decision-making. They are also good at recognising the feelings of others, making them great at managing relationships and relating to others. This module will give you tips on how to build and manage your emotional intelligence.

    Developing Personal Effectiveness (FGX114)


    Have you ever dreamt of being a highly successful person? Come embark on an exciting learning journey to maximise your personal effectiveness and achieve your goals. We will use experiential learning activities to introduce several practical strategies for becoming a more effective individual. Don’t just admire the inspirational role models in your life; start on a path to becoming them!

    Introduction to French Language 1 (FGX115)


    Bonjour! Interested in learning some basic French? Oui? Then this module is for you! You will learn handy phrases you can use when you are in France or when you are making first contact with the French. A bientôt!

    Introduction to German Language 1 (FGX116)


    Guten Tag! Did you know that 100 million people outside Germany are able to speak German? Learn phrases to use when you are in the country or when communicating with your German friends.

    Introduction to Japanese Language 1 (FGX117)


    こんにちは(konnichiwa). Want to be able to speak some basic Japanese? Through this module, you will learn basic pronunciation and writing, so you will be able to understand what your Japanese friends in class are saying.

    Introduction to Korean Language 1 (FGX118)


    안녕하세요! Keen to learn some basic Korean? Learn phrases you can use when travelling in Korea or when speaking with your Korean friends. You can even better enjoy your favourite Korean drama or K-pop music!

    Introduction to Malay Language (FGX119)


    Selamat datang ke kelas bahasa Melayu! (Welcome to the Malay Language class!)


    Always wanted to converse with your friends in Malay? Need to travel to Malaysia or Indonesia for the weekend? This module is for you. It will equip you with the basics of the Malay language through situational dialogues and give you a glimpse of the Malay culture and customs. 


    As this is an introductory module, only students with no prior formal training in Malay may apply.

  • You will take a total of 2 elective GSMs in Year 2. You will have a wide range of elective GSMs to choose from. Please note that the modules offered are subject to change each semester.

    Elective General Studies Modules

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    School of Applied Science

    Fun with Chemistry (ASX201)


    Your favourite shirt has a stain and you are not sure how to get rid of it. Or maybe you are interested in creating your own cleaning agents or curious to know more about the chemical compounds that make up your unique scent. Go on a fun and exciting journey to understand how chemistry is all around us and how it affects our daily lives.

    Understanding Our Environment (ASX202)


    Industrialisation and a rapidly growing population are putting a lot of stress on our planet, including global warming, ocean acidification, water shortage, biodiversity loss and desertification. This module will cover important environmental issues and how human activities affect them.

    Wonders of Alternative Medicines (ASX203)


    From acupuncture, homeopathy, Ayurveda to traditional Chinese medicine – find out how these forms of alternative medicine work when compared to modern medicine.

    Science behind Skin Care (ASX204)


    Taking care of our skin is important, but which is the right routine for our individual skin type? Do expensive skin care products do a better job than cheaper ones? Learn more about what goes into a skin care product, the chemistry behind a good skincare product, as well as the myths and facts behind skin care.

    Food Culture (ASX205)


    Curious about how culture & lifestyle influence our food choices and the different kinds of food from the world over?


    Sign up for this module and be fascinated by an array of food found in Asian and Western cuisines and countries.

    School of Design and Media

    Colourise Your Life (DXX202)


    Find out what colours make you stand out and what makes you fade away with this module on colour theory. You will learn about the use of colours to create different moods and coordinated impressions. Find out more about the colour wheel, colour psychology and more.

    Computer Game Logic (DXX203)


    Did you know that your favourite video games are all governed by a set of rules and logic? In this module, you will find out how these games are created and the logic behind them. You will also learn a trick or two about playing your favourite game, as well as ways to progress and advance through tough stages.

    Game Art Basics (DXX205)


    Interested in finding out how graphics in computer games are created? In this module, you will learn how to create pixel art for retro-style games, such as Pac-Man and Super Mario, and replace them with your own designs.

    UX Design (DXX207)


    User experience (UX) design is the process of creating products that functions well and are a joy to use. It’s about enhancing the experience that people have while interacting with your product. This module will teach you what makes a good user experience, as well as several techniques and tools to design content or products that are enjoyable to use.

    Elements of Interior Design (DXX208)


    Are you fascinated by the beautiful rooms in interior design magazines and wish to be able to design your own? This module teaches you to sketch, create your own layout plans and visualise your ideas using simple 3D illustrations. You will also pick up tips on choosing the right colours, materials and finishes for furniture in a room.

    School of Engineering

    Fascinating World of Robots (EGX201)


    From the surface of Mars to your living room floor, robots are everywhere! Explore the world of robots and discover how they have been evolving – from the way they are built to the way they move, their interaction with the world and their usefulness in our lives.

    Understanding Internet of Things (EGX202)


    The Internet of Things (IoT) is all about enabling all our devices to connect to the Internet and with each other. This includes everything from smartphones to washing machines, refrigerators and lamps. Discover how IoT is changing the way we work and live.

    Harvesting Green Energy (EGX203)


    Play a part in preserving our planet for the sake of our future generations. The world is increasingly looking to environmentally friendly and sustainable energy sources to meet future energy demands. Green energy sources, such as solar and wind energy, can be used to meet the world’s (and Singapore’s) growing energy needs, while ensuring environmental sustainability. Through this module, you will be able to better understand how green energy helps to reduce our carbon footprints.

    Journey to the Nano World (EGX204)


    From nanoelectronics to nano zinc oxide sunscreen lotion and anti-wet and scratch-resistant coating, nanotech products are all around us. When and how did nanoscience and nanotechnology become so popular? Find out in this module as you explore the nano world.

    Creative Expression Through Projection (EGX205)


    Are you dazzled by the multi-coloured projection shows at the National Day Parade or at major sporting events? Get a glimpse into the art and science of 3D projection mapping – find out just how they are created and how you can tell interesting stories through this medium!

    3D Print Your Design (EGX207)


    3D printing is changing the way products are manufactured today. In this module, you will learn about the endless possibilities of this technology, and learn how to bring your creative ideas to life.

    Impact of Disruptive Innovation on Business (EGX208)


    Ever wondered how some companies are able to build their brands by inventing products that completely transform the way we live and do things, thereby creating a whole new market and pushing out other competitors? Find out how disruptive innovation greatly affects not only the business world, but also our personal lives in this module.

    Appreciating Wireless Technology (EGX210)


    Wireless technology is arguably one of the greatest inventions from the past decades. It has evolved greatly to be able to deliver rich content to our mobile devices at high speed, changing our lifestyles. But what else can you do with your mobile devices? And what does the future hold for this technology? Find out in this course.

    Improving Lives with Medical Technology (EGX211)


    Thanks to progress in medical research, the way diseases are treated and our quality of life as greatly improved. Learn all about the amazing new technology that is being developed to help doctors and surgeons in their life-saving work – from medical implants to 3D printing to make body parts.

    School of Health and Social Sciences

    Choices in Relationships (HSX202)


    Our relationships with others are what makes our lives happy and fulfilling. In this module, you will learn what makes a positive relationship and the effects of negative ones. From family relations to friendships and working relationships, you will learn to identify potential conflicts and manage interpersonal differences. You will also develop a deeper understanding of yourself and learn how to make positive choices to enhance your relationships with others.

    Healthy and Resilient Families (HSX207)


    Your emotional health is directly connected to the relationships you have with the people around you. Learn to form healthy relationships with others that will give you emotional strength and a positive outlook in life. Pick up strategies on how to communicate effectively and overcome difficult patches in relationships.

    School of Information Technology

    Computational Thinking for Everyday Life (ITX201)


    In an increasingly complex world, having the ability to tackle tough problems is a valuable asset to have in any situation. Using a computational thinking framework, this module teaches you problem-solving skills and techniques that will help you tackle complex problems in both work and life.

    The Importance of Cyber Security (ITX202)


    With the boom in digital data, companies and individuals are finding it challenging to make their data secure. Learn more about cybersecurity and how everyone can play a part in avoiding or reducing the risks against cyber threats.

    Create Professional Business Documentations (ITX203)


    Have a great business idea, but not sure how to put together a winning proposal to impress others? This module will teach you  tips and tricks to enhance your word processing skills using Microsoft Word to create impressive, professional-looking documents.

    Making Impactful PowerPoint Presentations (ITX204)


    Want to give a presentation that will blow your audience away? In this module, you will learn to use the advanced features in Microsoft PowerPoint to create dynamic and beautiful presentations easily.

    Get More Out of Spreadsheets (ITX205)


    Spreadsheets are a powerful tool for analysing data and helping us make decisions. Knowing how to use Microsoft Excel effectively is important in almost every industry. Through this course, you will learn how to use Excel’s advanced features to improve your work productivity and organise and present data effectively.

    Business Analytics Primer (ITX206)


    Data analytics has in recent years gained a lot of attention and interest from organisations and governments alike. But what is it all about?


    In this module, you will learn the basics of business analytics and how data is managed, analysed and used to help businesses perform better. Find meaning behind the data and learn to unlock its secrets.

    Insights on Ethical Hacking (ITX207)


    To beat a hacker, you need to think like one. Find out how ethical hacking can help protect IT systems from cyberthreats with this module, which also teaches you the rules and tools used in ethical hacking.

    Coding for Beginners (ITX208)


    Steve Jobs once said, “Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.” Learning to code also makes you more productive, efficient and effective.


    In this course, you will learn how to construct a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. There are no prerequisites and anyone with moderate computer experience will find this module fun and useful.

    Centre for Innovation and Life Skills

    Introduction to Sociology (FGX201)


    Want to gain a better understanding of the world we live in? This module looks at social causes and patterns of relationships as you learn how we interact with one another as a society.

    Bounce Back! The ABCs of Resilience (FGX202)


    Facing difficulties in life is inevitable. Many people react to these challenging events with strong emotions and a sense of uncertainty. Yet, some people bounce back from such adversities.


    Discover how you can take control and bounce back when faced with adversity!



    Healthy Relationships, Enriched Lives (FGX203)


    Healthy relationships can build us up, while toxic relationships can tear us down. Learn the steps to building supportive relationships with people around you, as you pick up skills to better engage and communicate with others.

    Introduction to French Language 1 (FGX204)


    Bonjour! Do you want to learn some basic French? Oui? Then this module is for you! You will learn handy phrases you can use when you are in France or when you are making first contact with the French. A bientôt!

    Introduction to German Language 1 (FGX205)


    Guten Tag! Did you know that 100 million people outside Germany are able to speak German?  Learn phrases to use when you are in the country or when communicating with your German friends.

    Introduction to Japanese Language 1 (FGX206)


    こんにちは(konnichiwa). Want to be able to speak some basic Japanese? Through this module, you will learn basic pronunciation and writing, so you will be able to understand what your Japanese friends in class are saying.

    Introduction to Korean Language 1 (FGX207)


    안녕하세요! Keen to learn some basic Korean? Learn phrases you can use when travelling in Korea or when speaking with your Korean friends. You can even better enjoy your favourite Korean drama or K-pop music!

    Emotional Intelligence (FGX211)


    Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and control your emotions. People with high emotional intelligence don’t let their emotions affect their judgment or decision-making. They are also good at recognising the feelings of others, making them great at managing relationships and relating to others. This module will give you tips on how to build and manage your emotional intelligence.

    Developing Personal Effectiveness (FGX213)


    Have you ever dreamt of being a highly successful person? Come embark on an exciting learning journey to maximise your personal effectiveness and achieve your goals. We will use experiential learning activities to introduce several practical strategies for becoming a more effective individual. Don’t just admire the inspirational role models in your life; start on a path to becoming them!

    Introduction to Chinese Language (FGX214)


    Are you ready to learn Chinese? Do you wish to converse with others around you in Mandarin? Starting with Hanyu Pinyin and the four tones, you will learn to speak basic Mandarin in situations involving simple interactions and daily activities. This module will also introduce you to Chinese culture and customs.


    As this is an introductory module, only students with no prior formal training in Chinese may apply.

    Business Chinese (FGX215)


    In this module, you will capitalise on your Chinese language background to appreciate the Chinese way of thinking, which would be of great help if you are to work in China or with people from China. With a perspective anchored in culture and tradition, you will discover the underlying characteristics of Chinese as a communication tool in typical business and work environments.


    As this module will be conducted in Chinese, only students with O-Level Chinese background (or the equivalent) may apply.

    Introduction to Malay Language (FGX216)


    Selamat datang ke kelas bahasa Melayu! (Welcome to the Malay Language class!)


    Always wanted to converse with your friends in Malay? Need to travel to Malaysia or Indonesia for the weekend? This module is for you. It will equip you with the basics of the Malay language through situational dialogues and give you a glimpse of the Malay culture and customs. 


    As this is an introductory module, only students with no prior formal training in Malay may apply.

    Sustainability: Building a Better World (FGX217)


    Are you passionate about making a positive impact on the planet? Ready to explore the exciting world of sustainability and shape a greener future? Look no further! This cutting-edge online sustainability course is your gateway to understanding and implementing socio- and eco-friendly practices that matter. We are inviting you to take our entirely asynchronous online module “Sustainability: Building a Better World”.


    From climate change to renewable energy, the module covers a wide range of crucial sustainability topics that are shaping our world today. By enrolling in this course, you're not just gaining knowledge — you're also empowering yourself to be a catalyst for positive change in your community and beyond.

    Introduction to Political Science (FGX218)


    Ever wondered how countries are run and governed? This introductory module teaches you about the state, the different systems of government as well as political activity and behaviour. Through lectures and classroom discussions, you will also gain a better understanding of socio-political issues around the world.

    Current Issues in Perspective (FGX219)


    How does disruptive technology and the economy impact your life? And what skills do you need in order to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Learn these and other current issues to prepare yourself for life in the 21st century.

    Learn to Lead (FGX220)


    Leading a team can be challenging and scary. Yet, it is important to be able to do so if you want to succeed in school and at work. Take this course and gain confidence through activities designed to build your leadership skills.

    Introduction to French Language 2 (FGX221)


    Now that you have completed the basic French module, take your knowledge one step further and learn how to interact with people in everyday situations, such as at a retail store or restaurant and when finding your way around Paris.

    Introduction to German Language 2 (FGX222)


    Keen to build on the basic German language skills you have gained? In this module, you will learn how to communicate in various social settings, such as telling your German friend about your favourite hobbies and leisure activities or finding your way around Berlin.

    Introduction to Japanese Language 2 (FGX223)


    Upgrade your basic Japanese language skills and learn how to communicate in daily situations, such as ordering food at restaurants and telling your Japanese friends about your favourite pastimes – skills that will come in handy if you are planning to travel to Japan.

    Introduction to Korean Language 2 (FGX224)


    If you are having fun using your basic Korean language skills in simple conversations, take this module to learn how to converse confidently in your daily situations.

    Sustainability in Action (FGX225)


    Take action, empower change: Sustainability in Action!


    Embark on a journey of real-world impact with this dynamic course which equips you to be a champion for sustainability. This module takes learning beyond the classroom and into the heart of the community. Engage in hands-on sustainability activities that not only benefit the environment but also promote sustainable behaviours to external stakeholders. Join us in making a difference and shaping a more sustainable future for generations to come!


Nurturing you to be future-ready


Hone your skillset and gain practical experience through strategic internships with leading sports and wellness organisations. Apply your classroom knowledge in real-world settings and learn from experienced mentors. Build your professional network, strengthen your resume, and graduate job-ready.


Companies that offer internships to our learners include:

  • Global Esports Federation
  • Health Promotion Board
  • HomeTeamNS 
  • Ironman Asia
  • Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts
  • Singapore Aquatics
  • Singapore Cricket Club
  • SportSG
  • Team Axis
  • United World College

Overseas Programmes

Expand your global horizons by exploring diverse business landscapes, international trends, and networking opportunities. Participate in overseas study exchanges and educational trips ranging from 1 week to 1 semester.  

  • Immerse in NYP's short trips to ASEAN, China, and India. Or join our diploma-specific trips. Learn about the destination’s culture and business.

  • Participate in overseas internships with reputable names such as Disneyland Hong Kong, Ritz Carlton HK, or JW Marriott Vietnam.

  • Under NYP's Overseas Student Exchange Programme (OSEP), study abroad for one semester in one of 65 University partners in 23 countries like France, Germany, Switzerland, Finland, South Korea, Japan, and more.   

Wong Zhen Rong (extreme right) with his colleagues

"One of my best decisions was to have my internship overseas at The Ritz Carlton Hong Kong.  The challenges were draining but eye-opening. I learnt to be independent and to take ownership of my learning.” - Wong Zhen Rong, Year 3, Diploma in Sport & Wellness Management

Industry Collaborations


Benefit from the real-world learning opportunities we co-create with our extensive network of industry partners, including Accor Hotel Group, Ironman Asia, PICH Events & Invictus International School.

  • Get hands-on through industry projects in areas like sports marketing and coaching;
  • Go on learning journeys to prestigious sporting events like the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon, Olympic Esports Week, and FIBA 3x3 Basketball Asia Cup; and
  • Hear from the best in the business in our guest lectures. 


Open doors to valuable connections, and thrive in the sport and wellness management sector!

Practical Training

Sports Coaching Certification


In addition to an industry-recognised certification from SportSG, you will also receive practical training to gain essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in the Sport and Wellness industry.


Upon graduation, you’ll acquire:

  • Industry-recognised Foundation CoachSG Level 1 Certificate.
  • Eligibility for registration in the National Registry of Coaches (NROC).
  • Practical experience through engagement in real-world sporting events such as Accor Hotel Staff Sports Day, Tour De France Criterium Race and OCBC Cycle.
  • Skills in event organisation and volunteer management.
  • Knowledge of tailoring lifestyle and wellness management for individual needs.
  • Expertise to work with seniors and children with special needs or disabilities.
  • Industry-recognised accreditations in First Aid, CPR and AED. 

Post-graduation options

Icon of school building

Pursue a Degree

Get advanced standing for courses at local and overseas universities. Our graduates have pursued degrees at:  

  • Nanyang Technological University 
  • National University of Singapore
  • Singapore Institute of Technology


Read Felicity's story ->

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Kickstart your Career

Our graduates are highly sought after in dynamic industries, with rewarding careers in:

  • Community/Sport & Recreation Executive
  • Fitness Trainer/Physical Fitness Instructor
  • High Performance/High Participation Sport Executive
  • Physical Education Teacher/Teacher Aide
  • and more
Icon of school building

Advance your Diploma

Pursue post-diploma opportunities, including specialist diplomas, industry-recognised certifications, and work-study programmes.

Kickstart your Career

Our graduates are highly sought after in dynamic industries, with rewarding careers in:

  • Community/Sport & Recreation Executive
  • Event Operations Executive
  • Fitness Trainer/Physical Fitness Instructor
  • Health Management Executive
  • High Performance/High Participation Sport Executive
  • Projects & Events Executive
  • Social & Recreation Executive
  • Sport & Leisure Executive
  • Sport Development Executive
  • Sport Facilities/Venue Management Executive
  • Sport Manager
  • Physical Education Teacher/Teacher Aide
  • Sport or Health Coach 
  • Rehabilitation or Therapy Executive
  • Wellness/Lifestyle Executive

Who's on board with us

Sport Singapore

I am highly supportive of this initiative to introduce the Professional Competency Model (PCM). Conceptually, I see the PCM as a positive way forward, offering a good mix of breadth and depth to better equip and prepare learners for the workforce in the future. The way real-world problems are approached and tackled is multi-disciplinary.

Rostam Umar

Chief, Strategy Group, Sport Singapore

Team Axis

The introduction of the PCM to this diploma ensures that students remain adaptable in this ever-changing and dynamic economic environment. Through this programme, learners can experience the many facets and opportunities within the sport and wellness industry and discover what truly drives their passion. With the integration of both business, sport & wellness within the curriculum, learners will be well-prepared to enter the workforce and contribute to the industry. I will be happy to explore work opportunities with the graduates of this diploma.

Nicholas Teo

Director, Team Axis

Global Esports Federation

I congratulate Nanyang Polytechnic for introducing the PCM to this course. The curriculum will enable learners to be more agile, especially to the changing requirements of the industry. Learners will be more adept at responding to the consumption of sport and providing in-demand services based on the volatile demands of the consumers. The PCM provides learners with the necessary skills and competencies to succeed in the industry.

Mark Chay

Director of Administration, Global Esports Federation


Real experiences, real results

Get the inside scoop – students’ insights, experiences, and stories! Learn about the heartbeat of student life at NYP in their own words.

Nadja Kim Schmidt

Nadja Kim Schmidt

Year 3 student

I am very thankful for the supportive environment as the lecturers would always do their best to accommodate my training schedule and ensure I can keep up with my peers. In addition, studying a mix of sport and business has equipped me with a wide range of skills that I can apply to my daily life, while also highlighting how essential business knowledge is, as it plays a key role in every industry.

Felicity Lim

Felicity Lim

Class of 2024

DSWM has equipped me with invaluable skills and knowledge that reinforced my passion for sports. I was able to experience every stage of event planning as well as work on my people skills. I was very comfortable in the classroom as the atmosphere at DSWM is always very welcoming. These experiences encouraged me to further my studies at NTU’s Sport Science and Management, where I will be able to expand my knowledge further to pursue a career in the sporting industry.

Syafi Nur Hilman Bin Norhisham

Syafi Nur Hilman Bin Norhisham

Year 3 student

The supportive environment in NYP allowed me to excel in both my football career and academic pursuits. As a National Youth Athlete/ Footballer, support was given for me to attend crucial training sessions to stay at my peak performance. 

Apply to this course

To apply to this course, please visit our admissions page for more information.

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