L’Rez is a full-service training restaurant located at the NYP Staff Centre. The restaurant offers Western and Asian cuisine, with specially created menus and drinks.
The Coffeeman Training Café is a quick service training café located within the NYP Library. A variety of pastries, hot meals and beverages are prepared and served by learners.

Year 3 learners pursuing a Diploma in Food & Beverage Business are attached to L'Rez and Coffeeman Training Café.
- Under F&B Management, learners are mentored by industry professionals and trained by restaurant managers in strategic operations management to deliver customer service excellence.
- Under Culinary Arts, learners are trained by renowned chefs to enhance their cooking techniques and competencies in menu engineering and food preparation.
Our capabilities
L'Rez and Coffeeman Training Café have collaborated with industry partners to create thematic events such as:
- Degustation Graduation Showcase
- Beverage Pairing Masterclass
- Beverage Competition & Demonstration
- Workshops by Industry Experts
- Charity Events
- Alumni & Networking Events
- Sustainability Week
Some of L'Rez and Coffeeman Training Café's industry partners include Raffles Hotel, Regent Hotel, Les Amis Group, Marina Bay Sands, School of Coffee, Monde Nissin, Dilmah Tea, among others.
Recent projects
- Sustainability Week with Monde Nissin: Special curated sustainable menu using plant-based ingredients. This menu was then served at L'Rez during the restaurant's own sustainability week.
- Norwegian Seafood Council Project: Immersive learning experience as learners worked alongside world-renowned Chef Christian André Pettersen and his team. A total of 30 learners from Diploma in Food & Beverage Business (Culinary Arts Specialisation) worked with Chef Christian – and they served up food to 35 of Singapore’s top chefs.
Learning experience
This is a 21-week practice-oriented attachment. During their attachment, learners are assigned various roles to attain learning outcomes.
1. F&B workplace competencies
Learners gain work skills including professionalism, communication skills, leadership, organisation skills, critical thinking, and civic engagement.
2. Culinary skills
Learners apply competencies in various culinary skills in accordance to recognised standards, including preparation and plating of food, menu design, ingredients procurement, among others.
3. Inventory management
As part of gaining F&B competencies, learners apply their knowledge of cost control, yield management, and perform the act of receiving, storing, and managing ingredients.
4. Inventory management
As part of gaining F&B competencies, learners apply their knowledge of cost control, yield management, and perform the act of receiving, storing, and managing ingredients.
5. Data analytics
Learners analyse key food & beverage performance metrics using data analytics to support management decisions according to National Restaurant Association standards.