Innovative Teaching & Learning

Our students are immersed in a holistic learning environment that promotes academic excellence, innovation & enterprise and personal growth. 

Besides technical projects and research, our staff also conduct educational research as part of their professional development and to help the students learn better. Their research interests include curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and technology in learning.

Our students can look forward to:

Contextual teaching & learning in specialised laboratories, research centres and pilot plants

Analytical Chemistry Research Centre

Applied Biology Laboratory

Food Safety Centre

Pharmaceutical Science Laboratory

Secondary Pharmaceutical Technology Centre

Food Pilot Plant

Interesting and insightful tour to local and overseas companies

Learning Journey at WLNA in 2019

Learning Journey at 3M Singapore in 2018

Learning Journey at Shimadzu Corporation in 2017

Learning Journey at BASF Germany in 2016

Learning Journey at Thong Siek Food Industry in 2014

Innovative and effective teaching methods of which some were awarded the MOE-Tertiary Education Research Fund

Playing “Chemundo” card game

In-house designed card game

In-house designed educational escape room

In-house designed “Chem-ClueDo” game

Extensive industry exposure through industry commissioned projects and work attachments

Project on a rapid and reliable method to differentiate edible bird nest (EBN) samples among authentic, fake and adulterated

Project to develop Singapore’s first texture-modified Teochew fishcakes

Project to convert coffee waste into a fire-retardant material

An innovative and enterprising (I&E) project to design a 2-in-1 wheelchair with commode