A Crisis Management App After Hospital Discharge
School of Information Technology

Based on the findings of Tan Tan Seng Hospital, only 25% of the discharged patients retained sufficient Knowledge for Self-Management (KSM) after receiving education during an inpatient stay. This has led to frequent emergency attendances and re-admissions.

This project aims to develop a mobile app and a backend database to assist clinical providers to create Care/Crisis Plan(CCP) for patients discharged from hospital to better manage clinical issues at home. The app will help providers, including doctors, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, community partners, etc., to generate/update CCPs quickly and easily on their mobile devices, allow the secure sharing of common CCP templates and customised CCPs among the health care providers. It will help clarify any confusions that the patients or their caregivers might have and thus possibly reduce emergency attendances and readmissions.