Teaching Enterprise Project (TEP)

About TEP

The Teaching Enterprise Project (TEP) is a unique pedagogy by the School of Business Management (SBM) with the aim of nurturing our learners' innovative and enterprising competencies. TEP employs industry projects as platforms for students to apply their knowledge and deepen their skills through a learn-apply‐learn‐apply cycle, while providing a wide range of business solutions to industry partners. 

From the start, Nanyang Polytechnic has fostered strong partnerships with industry. Business solutions are provided by each centre under the management of qualified lecturers who possess relevant industry experience. 

Year 3 learners work on assigned projects as a culmination of their polytechnic journey, enabling display of competencies accumulated through their academic studies. They are assessed based on their technical proficiency as well as their ability to internalise and demonstrate Life skills such as leadership, professionalism and critical thinking. What makes TEP unique is that learners are under guidance of experienced lecturers, who provide both industry-level mentorship and pastoral care. 

With the TEP experience, learners gain competitive edge as they embark on their career through an intensive exposure to industry requirements and trends.

Located within the campus, each TEP business centre's facility is built with relevant industry needs in mind. NYP has invested in various technologies that are aligned to each centre's operational focus and training requirement. 

The Centres